Learn How to bring The best to all your life. Bring abundance, Clarity, and health... Relationship balance... How to bring peace and Happyness

Roger A. Ayres CSRMT
Certified Shamanic Reiki Master / Teacher Medical Intuitive & Animal Communicator
I believe that every day should have quality time spent in the joyous journey of life. Sometimes the journey is hard but never does it stay that way. It’s always evolving. Lessons, messages, forgiveness, connection and gratitude… all steps on the journey to awakening and inner peace. I have spent many years as a whisperer and communicator, always drawn to helping and training animals. Now I’m feeling the joy of helping people through both new training and my natural gifts from Spirit.
“It” is something I’ve always had. No matter what you call it. Earth Keeper, Wisdom Keeper, Shaman, Spiritual healer, Intuitive or even Religious. A natural ability to hear the messages from my guardians. To meditate and act on what comes from Spirit.
From the beginning, seeing things differently was an understatement. As a child coloring I would draw auric fields that I saw around things, All things. I thought everyone could see it! I inherently knew what animals felt and were thinking. Their energy was apparent. I thought everyone else could feel that, too! And I began my day, even as a small child, wrapped in a native blanket, watching the sun rise, listening to the messages of the spirits, the earth, the animals and my guides.
I obtained my Reiki Mastery certificates and attunements with Wendy Jordan a highly respected Master Reiki Teacher, and my Shamanic Mastery certification with Michael Soto. I’ve also studied and been attuned to the Munay Ki Rites, Two-Feather Native Energy and Star Energy.
I now enjoy great successes in helping people and animals, with physical and emotional ailments. I lead people on personal journeys. I help people to hear what their own bodies and guides are saying. As a medical intuitive I am able to see the energies around even the smallest parts of the body to help pinpoint problem areas. Then, working through Spirit, I help that person understand why it manifested in that way and help them to change the energy around it to a positive, healing force.
At times, I join Wendy Jordan in a unique healing treatment that combines the healing and balancing techniques of Reiki with intuitive and shamanic clearing and healing for body, mind, and spirit.

Healing Coach

Roger A. Ayres
The art of learning how to BE spiritual... How to get what you want out of life... To align yourself with the person you know yourself to BE.
Techniques for meditation and effective prayer.
Learn how to get and hear your answers. Experience connecting the heart and mind for healing.
Create the energy and youth to feel the way
you deserve.
Crystal and energy awareness.
Journey to learn about yourself.
For more info and Reike see our other web page
and Wendy Jordan at
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50C La Barbaria Trail
Santa Fe, N.M. 87505.